Field Trips Anywhere
Field Trips Anywhere

citizen, rebel, change agent & reformer

조한 2025.02.15 20:48 조회수 : 0


The Four Roles of Social Activism by Bill Moyer


earn about the 4 different roles activists need to play in order to create social change: citizen, rebel, change agent & reformer. This comes from Bill Moyer’s Movement Action Plan which defines the different stages and roles in social movements.

The following excerpt from Doing Democracy: The MAP Model for Organizing Social Movements introduces the crucial four roles required for social movement success. Here is a pdf handout The Four Roles of Social Activism Handout by the Commons Library.




  • Promotes positive national values, principles, symbols, eg democracy, freedom, justice, nonviolence
  • Normal citizen
  • Grounded in center of society
  • Promotes active citizen-based society where citizens act with disinterest to assure the common good
  • The active citizen is the source of legitimate political power
  • Acts on “confirmatory basis” concept
  • Examples: King and Mandela


  • Naïve citizen: Believes the ‘official policies’ and does not realize that the powerholders and institutions serve special elite interests at the expense of the majority and the common good


  • Super-patriot: Gives automatic obedience to powerholders and the country



  • Parliamentary: Uses official mainstream system and institutions, eg courts, legislature, city hall, corporations to get the movement’s goals, values, alternatives adopted into official laws, policies and conventional wisdom
  • Uses a variety of means: lobbying, lawsuits, referenda, rallies, candidates etc
  • Professional Opposition Organizations (POOs) are the key movement agencies
  • Watchdogs successes to assure enforcement, expand success, and protect against backlash.
  • POOs nurture and support grassroots


  • Dominator/patriarchal model of organizational structure and leadership
  • Organizational maintenance over movement needs
  • Dominator style undermines movement democracy and disempowers grassroots
  • “Realistic Politics”: Promotes minor reforms rather than social changes
  • Co-optation: POO staff identify more with official powerholders than with movement’s grassroots



  • Protest: Says NO! to violations of positive, widely held values
  • Nonviolent direct action and attitude; demonstrations, rallies, and marches including civil disobedience
  • Target: Powerholders and their institutions eg government, corporations
  • Puts issue and policies in public spotlight and on society’s agenda
  • Actions have strategy and tactics
  • Empowered, exciting, courageous, risky, center of public attention
  • Holds relative, not absolute, truth


  • Authoritarian anti-authoritarian
  • Anti-American, anti-authority, anti-organization structures and rules
  • Self-identifies as militant radical, a lonely voice on society’s fringe
  • Any means necessary: disruptive tactics and violence to property and people
  • Tactics without realistic strategy
  • Isolated from grassroots mass-base
  • Victim behavior: Angry, dogmatic, aggressive, powerless
  • Ideological totalism: Holds absolute truth and moral, political superiority
  • Strident, arrogant, egocentric; self needs before movement needs
  • Irony of negative rebel: Negative rebel similar to agent provocateur

Change Agent


  • Organizes People Power and the Engaged Citizenry, creating participatory democracy for the common good
  • Educates and involves majority of citizens and whole society on the issue
  • Involves pre-existing mass-based grassroots organizations, networks, coalitions, and activists on the issue
  • Promote strategies and tactics for waging long-term social movement.
  • Creates and supports grassroots activism and organizations for the long term
  • Puts issue on society’s political agenda
  • Counters new powerholder strategies
  • Promote alternatives
  • Promotes paradigm shift


  • Too utopian: Promote visions of perfectionistic alternatives in isolation from practical political and social action
  • Promote only minor reform
  • Movement leadership and organizations based on patriarchy and control rather than participatory democracy
  • Tunnel vision: advocates single issue
  • Ignores personal issues and needs of activists
  • Unconnected to social and political social change and paradigm shift





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