Field Trips Anywhere
Field Trips Anywhere

small schools big picture

조한 2020.09.21 14:33 조회수 : 278



Each student at a Big Picture Learning school is part of a small learning community of 15 students called an advisory.

Each advisory is supported and led by an advisor, a teacher that works closely with the group of students and forms personalized relationships with each advisee.

Each student works closely with his or her advisor to identify interests and personalize learning.

The student as the center of learning truly engages and challenges the student, and makes learning authentic and relevant.

Each student has an internship where he or she works closely with a mentor, learning in a real world setting.

Parents and families are actively involved in the learning process, helping to shape the student’s learning plan and are enrolled as resources to the school community.

The result is a student-centered learning design, where students are actively invested in their learning and are challenged to pursue their interests by a supportive community of educators, professionals, and family members.




목록 제목 날짜
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114 또 한번의 인터뷰 (청와대 사건) 2019.05.27
113 마을 큐레이터 양성 사업 (성북구) file 2021.05.09
112 재미난 교실 발표 ppt file 2019.07.06
111 하자의 감수성으로 자본주의 살아가기 2019.08.01
110 함께 한 대학 시절 이야기 2019.12.29
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102 2020 하자 창의 서밋에 2020.09.08
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100 광명 자치 대학 개강 특강 file 2020.09.28
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98 라이프 3.0 인문학 전시 준비중 2019.06.05
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96 AI 관련 책 추천 2020.02.21
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94 이슬아 편지 - 도통한 그녀들 2020.04.10
93 촛불을 들지 못한 20대들 2019.10.07
92 Ready For More Sherlockian Adventures? 2020.10.03
91 내가 제일 좋아하는 영화 중 하나 2020.01.28
90 미셸 오바마의 <Becoming> 2020.07.14
89 3/19 김홍중 세미나 - 에밀 뒤르껭과 가브리엘 타르드 2022.03.19
88 신인류 전이수 소년의 일기 2021.06.02
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